The first patch is out! Here are a few gameplay changes I've made :)
Shop Changes
-Changed and adapted prices of various shop items
-Adapted shop UI to be more interactive when the player has their cursor over the purchase button
-Heal-Billy has "voice" lines :)
Gameplay changes
-Big Doink and Eradiactor can kill a limited amount of enemies now for both balancing and technical purposes, Scrap slap is next :(
-Player could now dodge through enemies
-Player could no longer collide with Prize Bombs
-Prize bombs no longer shoot confetti (less screen clutter)
-Player could now view current blueprints using TAB
Arena Changes
-Enemies are now object pooled (Within play testing phase), hopefully this will allow for a more optimised experience when there's a lot of enemies on the screen
-Balanced and adapted waves for a slightly more forgiving experience
-Survival mode now has 3 boss fights with varied difficulties, next steps will be adding visual changes
-Added visual and audio queue to Abso Units ranged attacks
- Some other thingymabobs :)
More updates coming soon so stay tuned!
Changed files in this update