Main changes:
Added damage and 3 levels to the "Kick" skill in the sword tree. Increased the attack radius. Sword is no longer required.
Changed hotkeys for items. Now they duplicate the first 12 inventory cells and you can use the equipment.
There is a new skill "Boulder" in the nature tree
Improved the display of damage taking on the boss slider
Added the ability to raise the bottom hotkey bar to display 12 more skill and item slots
Increased roll animation speed
Increased attack radius for one-handed: hammers, axes, swords
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where a new curse would not start when removing a curse if all curse cells were filled.
Fixed bug with incorrect display of action text
Removed unnecessary visual effects when casting stone skills
Fixed a bug with the "Triple Lunge" skill in spear tree
Fixed R1 sword attack bug
Fixed incorrect display of the raised item name panel
Changed files in this update