Caldera Update 1.01 - Stable
Steam Page: Discord link updated.
//--Bug Fixes--//
Economy: Fixed bug regarding players unable to spend their last dollar.
//++Quality of Life++//
//Increased the Sustenance achieved from Food.
+Hammermill for crushing Minerals into Powder Form; beware, this includes Noble Metals.
+Hints section for new players.
+Added "On Hover" cursor tooltip (Item Name & Description) for Inventory Items.
//++Upcoming Update++//
+Adding "Colorado Bob", a local Chemist who buys and sells the byproducts of Hammermills.
+Working on a fix for item Stacking.
+Integration of Merchant Dialog.
NOTES: I'm working on stabilizing the Save System, I apologize for the inconvenience.
Changed files in this update