Thrive 0.6.5 will be released next week and as such the usual early test build is here.
This should be a more normal testing version compared to the one for 0.6.4 with a lot less radical changes included in this version. This version mostly focused on improving performance with not redoing almost the entire game logic. The most major new features re the fog of war for the patch map and organelle unlocks. If you test this version you can let us know how the game performs now. Please include info on how many threads was used and if game simulation multithreading was enabled. Slightly tweaking those settings may change the performance a lot which would help us pick good defaults if we get reports from multiple people how those impact things.
This beta version is available as the beta version through Steam (can be selected in the Steam client game properties)
If you have any feedback about this version please share it below or on our forums:
Especially if any game crashes or lockups are found please report those along with saves / steps on how to trigger the problem and we’ll make sure those problems are taken care of before the full 0.6.5 release.
Changed depots in beta branch