Lament become a powerful plasma railgun
No longer a self charging weapon,Now Need Ammo :LunarFlux
Primary charge fire now at limit of 10 , and need at least 6 to shoot (Need 6-10 LunarFlux Ammo)
Secondary Mod fire a bolt of plasma now
Bugs Fixed:
In tutorial sometime player respawn underground , adjusted that check point's height
After a weapon modification extra armor will apply correctly
Clone commander's projectile used to be invisible ,Its actually plasma ball,now visible
Clone Troopers:
Now has better Jump backward function
Clone Commander:
Now fire grenades and slightly bigger laser bullet
Hover Tank:
Now has better collision,lesser performance hit
Harder to kill
Now Void Spawns also drop items
Adjusted annoying sounds of your powerarmor getting hit,tingtingtingtingtingting
Changed files in this update