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DR4X update for 17 February 2024

Plentiful Harvest and Ichor and Pqvv'Ger rebalancing.

Share · View all patches · Build 13483607 · Last edited 17 February 2024 – 06:06:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey guys! I had planned to get this update out a couple hours ago but i got lost in the weeds a bit.
THe "Comprehensive" changelog will be out sunday afternoon which includes all the "small" changelogs from the past few weeks aswell as whatever else i can get implemented in the mean time.


-Added some new tips to loading screens

-Add ichor particle effect when attacking bugs

-Made all particle efects stick around a bit longer

-Made camera hang on enemy attacks for another half second because it was sometimes really hard to understand what was going on before when being attacked.

-Ramped up the particle effects a little, especially the tumor death one

-Added new particle effect for when you kill a bug

-Units will no longer shout at crates

-Wildlife AI now has a unit soft cap based on map size

-Pqvv'Ger Uncjw no longer can transform instantly into the desired upgrade but take a turn to upgrade into mushroom towers and 2 to transform into lairs, the wildlife varient takes 1 more turn for both

-Pqvv'Ger mainline units when owned by wildlife now take 1 turn for mushroom tower and 2 turns for a lair

-Fixed bug where units who built a building (or did any command) would still be unable to do actions on the turn the building/command is finished

-Pqvv'Ger can no longer take advantage of the usual bandit tile effects (It Made them overwhelming to play and overpowered)

-Pqvv'Ger Unit costs increased tad

-Myco Heal flag can now heal all units, noit just the myco units

-Farm Now has "Plentiful Harvest" tile effect which grants 2 weeks of upkeep as a resource bonus + a small chance of a backstory/other bonuses to units deployed on it

-Increased scroll sensitivity on codex and on tile effect panel

-Cavalry can shout now

-More damage calculation tweaks

-Smoothed critical hits a bit (im not sure if this was the best idea, as it does reduce the impact of advantage by a some) But it also reduces frusteration in some cases, eg having warriors insta killd by weak enemies like rats just because they had advantage the majority of the time heh. Some more tweaks can be made if nessessary (And probably will after i do more playtesting tbh)

-New realmchild priest unit portrait (not a placeholder this time)

Windows DR4X Content Depot 1704831
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Linux DR4X Linux Depot Depot 1704832
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