Hello everyone!
The new "sidekicks having two powers" change had caused a break for the tutorial which was a big issue, so this patch is out a bit earlier than expected.
Apart from bug fixes, the Magic Source is out on the experimental branch. Magic will stay on experimental while some testing happens to make sure the balance is alright, confirm all the cards are working and to finish off the last few card arts. Apart from that it is all good to go and fairly playable, so it is up to you if you want access to the new content, or a more stable branch.
You can find the password for the Magic test on the Discord: https://discord.gg/MQycsqjsPH
- Fixed a bug where the tutorial was broken due to the sidekick changes.
- Fixed detonating tooltip still showing 15 seconds.
- improved how healing in combat was shown.
- Improved how cards look with negative focus, it how shows the negative value in brackets to show you won't heal enemies, but also how much you'd need to increase damage to reach positive values.
- Minor performance upgrade.
- Fixed some small visual issues with the removal screen.
- Made the player always start at 0 clock. This was mainly a relic of having more than one person in the team and should help you get into combat sooner.
- Fixed a bug where sidekicks sometimes couldn't be activated as their clock was a fraction of a second behind.
- Temporarily disabled ability to scroll the timeline. This was causing an issue with some overlap and blocking the retract for the hotkey pop out and the auto-draw button.
- Added a tooltip for Cycling on all cards in the player's hand. It is currently a different colour to show.
Note: The new magic cards will be visible in the logbook of the stable version, but won't be accessible.
Changed files in this update