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AuraRhythm update for 16 February 2024

Harmony Update: Enhanced UI, Spotify Integration, and New Scenes

Share · View all patches · Build 13481077 · Last edited 16 February 2024 – 23:09:28 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Harmony Update

Dive into a seamlessly enhanced user interface, designed to elevate your audiovisual journey to new heights of immersion and enjoyment. With seamless Spotify integration, effortlessly synchronize your favorite playlists with stunning visualizations, creating a dynamic experience tailored to your music taste.

But that's not all – the Harmony Update also introduces two captivating new scenes, expanding your options for visual expression and artistic exploration. Immerse yourself in mesmerizing landscapes and pulsating rhythms as you discover new ways to experience music like never before.

Embark on a journey of sonic harmony and visual delight with the Harmony Update for AuraRhythm. Let the music move you, as you dive into a world where every beat and melody comes to life in vibrant, breathtaking detail.

UI Update

Big changes have been made to the UI to clean it up and add to the users experience! The UI is now located at the bottom of the screen. Hovering the mouse near the bottom of the screen will bring up the menu.

Clicking the "UP Chevron" will bring up the scene settings so you can change the Aura!

Spotify Integration

Good news to Spotify users! Login in with your account and control your tunes right in app! Skip, pause, shuffle, and repeat are some of the available controls at the moment! A full Spotify music browser is in the works!

Simply start AuraRhythm, go to settings, and click "Sign In". You will be redirected to a web page that will allow you to connect your account! Once connected, Aura Rhythm will automatically sign you at startup.

New Scenes

Two new AuraScenes coming your way!



What's Next?

Coming down the pipe is another major addition to AuraRhythm: Modding

Currently, I am working on creating a Mod.Io for AuraRhythm so you can build your own scenes and share them with everyone! Stay tuned for more!

Windows English Depot 2668472
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