Hi everyone, it's been a while, here are the patch notes for this update, I focused on improving the endless mode and some issues you guys pointed.
- Added xp bonus, weapon area and knock back stats to the pause stats.
- Quitting a match will now show the game over screen.
- Decreased pause stats font size.
- Changed pause stats position, it was covering the level bar.
- Tripled the hp of Necromancer summons, they were instantly dying.
- Limited max level to 255.
- Limited max level of every skill, that did not have a max level, to 10.
Originally the endless mode was intended to be a late game mode, but since then the game has evolved so much, with in game upgrades being stronger and meta progression being so much bigger, the endless mode ended being almost just as hard as normal mode, so it's receiving a much needed buff.
- Endless movement speed multiplier increased from 20% to 50% per loop.
- Endless health multiplier increased from 100% to 200% per loop.
- Endless Mode now spawns the Stage Boss at the end of a loop.
- Endless Mode Boss health bar will be on top of the sprite, instead of being on the UI.
Also the full version of Roguevive will be released between the end of April and the start of May. Depends on how fast I can finish all the content I am currently working on. The content being.
- 3 new stages.
- 20 new skills.
- Weapon Upgrades.
- A mission system to unlock the new skills.
- New upgrades on the Upgrades Tree.
- Improve the balancing.
So thanks everyone for the continuous support and feedback.
Changed files in this update