PlayStatus v2.0.0 is Out Now!
Hi there! I've been doing TONS of work behind the scene and today, I finally have a little bit to show of it! In this version, you can look forward to playing with your family, friends, or whoever it may be!
Multi-Controller Support!
In v2.0.0 PlayStatus now supports up to 4 controllers at a time! This means you could have two Xbox controllers, a Dual Sense, and a Switch Pro connected ALL at the same time and PlayStatus will display battery updates for all of them! This can be any sort of combination other than wired Xbox controllers.
Take a look at the updated UI to support multiple controllers:
Looks pretty cool! You can also change the controller color on a per-player basis (i.e. Player 1 can have a certain color, Player 2 can have another, etc.)
Visual Improvements
A large, but maybe less noticeable improvement under the hood that has been implemented is Gaussian blur for rendering textures! This substantially improves the look of controller icons, and music art when playing media! You'll most likely notice this more if you play on a higher resolution monitor.
This all comes at no extra performance cost!
More Configuration Options
You'll also notice some extra new options/toggles added in this update. Controller Status Linger Time is how long the controller status updates will be displayed on the screen when something like the battery level changes, for example. This can be set from 1 second to a maximum of 60 seconds. Right below that, there is a new dropdown box that will allow you to override the language that PlayStatus launches with. If it is set to System Default, PlayStatus will try to determine the best language to use.
Performance Updates & LOTS of Bug Fixes
Of course, an update brings some bug fixes and performance updates, but this one will be a little more noticeable this time around! There have been several key areas regarding controller managing that have been refactored and in turn, significantly improves performance, even with the 4 player support!
What to Look Forward to
In the near future, you can look forward to two new controllers getting official support for PlayStatus: DualShock 4, and Xbox One S controllers! In the meantime, hopefully this update can hold you all over for some time! If you run into ANY issues regarding v2.0.0 please reach out!
Changed files in this update