A pretty rushed update but we are back.
The goal with this update was to make the game playable again. So if you encounter any errors, please report them on the steam forums or on our discord server!
What changed?
Unity3D Engine
The whole project was upgraded from an early 2021.LTS version to the latest and greatest 2023.LTS version. This brings a much needed performance and technical upgrade!
Community Servers
Community Servers are back online with the previously released Free For All maps! Jump straight in to the action without any need to wait.
Projectile fix
Sometimes enemies weren't hit by the lazer. Especially noticeable on close distance. We've changed the hit registration from a trigger system to a more reliable approach - shooting lazers in a quadrant formation out of the lazer! (Raycasting)
Options Menu
Some users have reported resetting of previously set graphics options and others about changing your sliders while the menu was closed. Both of these bugs should be fixed with this update.
Other Stuff
Unfortunately we've had to remove the statistics with this update but we plan to add them in a future update again.
Furthermore the UI has changed a bit:
A general rushed overhaul of the main menu, the options and a new ingame crosshair. Also there is a new sound for shooting and you can enjoy all the DLC skins for free for a while!
What's next?
A nice clean up of the whole project. Some things, such as the voice chat, broke for unknown reasons and need to be fixed. Slowly integrating more maps in to the community servers and re-enabling the matchmaking queue for 1v1 action. A readjustment of UI elements and bug fixing.
That's all!
Changed files in this update