The Leafton Pit Update
Uncover the mysteries of the Leafton Pit
The wait is over, the Leafton Pit is finally upon us! A new area with a unique twist waits to be discovered. Delve into this mysterious pit to unlock 180 milestones!
Additionally, the Soul Realm galaxy has received a cosmic makeover in terms of balancing. Blowing damage is relevant again!
The update also brings various bugfixes and quality-of-life improvements, and more features!.
- New area type: Leafton Pit (QA): Defeat as many enemies as you can for a limited amount of time. Higher floors yield better rewards. Can only be accessed through the Quark -> Leafton menu or the Ante Leafton area.
- 4 new resources: Quark Blobs, Quark Structures, Quark Energy, Leaftons
- Reworked quark damage. Quark enemies now have a quark shield which can only be reduced with quark damage. Once the quark shield is depleted, the "regular" damage applies.
- Added offline banks
- Added a new shop: Leaftons
- Added 2 new areas (QA) and a new boss!
- Added Dice backpack (similar to craft backpack)
- Added a new card
- Added a new pet: Trouto (automatically slaps enemies every 10 seconds)
- Added 180 new milestones (Leafton Pit)
- Milestones menu changed
- Improved performance when using Wind artifact
- Increased Offline Rewards max upgrade count in Gems shop
- Notification/item list flicker fixes
- Crafted leaves don't get deselected anymore while autocrafting/fusing
- Quark Ambit can be unlocked after defeating Soul Mirage
- Quark Structures added (unlocked in the Quarks shop)
- Damage upgrades lowered in the Soul shops so damage is still meaningful
- Boss/Crypt levels changed in SR
- 2 new crafted leaves: Soul/Quark
- 4 new craft properties
- 2 new scrolls
- 3 new borbventures
- Added Dice battlefield min/max damage stat
- Dice properties base values buffed: Blower Dice 1% -> 3%, Relic Dice: 1% -> 5%, Slap Dice: 0.1% -> 0.5%
- Banks now have a rarity fallback upgrade. Once a card reaches its max count, the next available lower rarity will be used
- Plants/Butterflies can be removed manually
- Dice/Nature loadouts added to Control Panel
- Auto add quark optimizer upgrade added (auto adds the quark with the lowest count)
- Player gets kicked from all nature areas when the event expired
- Added notification option for Borbventures/Dice
- Leaf reward multiplier fixed for dice bonuses
Changed files in this update