# Optimizations
- Changed the input method for the Hakumen's Potential "Kokuujin: Shippu" from [Ground] hold Skill to [Ground] ↑ + Hold Skill.
- Removed the brief invincibility effect when plunging on the ground with Es's Potential Type:Slasher "Gawain"
# Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Mai's Potential "Thousand Spears" could not deal damage.
- Fixed an issue when Mai has the Potential "Moon Blossom" and the "Jump" which allows you to jump thrice, could not activate "Moon Blossom" on the third jump.
- Fixed the issues when activating the enhanced effect of the Hibiki's Potential "Staggering Cuts".
- Fixed issues where achievements "My Lucky Day" and "Better Luck Next Time" could not be completed.
- Fixed matchmaking issues in Battlefield of Entropy.
Changed files in this update