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The Black Pool update for 17 February 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13471198 · Last edited 17 February 2024 – 01:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


This patch, we have delivered one of our most requested features: enemy health bars. In addition to displaying the rank and hit points for medium and heavy enemies, all currently applied elemental effects are now visualized as colored bars. These bars provide greater clarity to elemental effects— how long they last, how much effect has been applied, and crucially, when the thresholds are about to be reached for time-limited effects such as frozen, blind, and brittle. Relevant numbers are also displayed, such as total damage amplification from decay, or the current damage over time amount from fire.


Bosses, flux events, and hold points now display event progress bars.


Enemies now have a chance to drop short term power-ups on death. These power-ups include: increased movement speed, next attack does double damage, a shield that absorbs 50% damage, increased attack speed, instant cooldown for all abilities (except rally), and a close-range attack ring for every element.

  • Two new levels (Skylands and Icelands, Upsilon Sectors)
  • Damage numbers have been enlarged, and health bars and other UI elements have been updated to improve legibility.
  • Updated visual effects for attacks from Jellyfish, Starfish, and flux parasites to be less visually dominating.
  • Wyld Stallyns music sequence: reworked and expanded the 1st and 3rd levels.
  • Added new challenge modes: Enemy Rank
  • Temple shortcut now orients players towards the map room vortex and avoids stacking players. Apologies if you loved this feature. We did too.
  • Molten Pillars Boss: Numerous updates and fixes to improve this boss encounter. Upper platforms are now easier to land on. Guidepoints have been added. Respawn points added to the top section, preventing players from having to re-do the platforming if they fall off. Lower platforms have been updated to prevent snagging, and they won’t shut down when the boss is defeated, avoiding a rare situation that can strand a player in multiplayer.
  • Numerous performance enhancements.

  • Added a short invulnerability window to players when respawning from a fall.
  • Updated all elemental effects to last 5 → 6 seconds before falling off if not renewed.
  • Fire Abilities have been adjusted to account for the increase in effect duration from 5 to 6 seconds. Fire Effect damage number ticks now display in orange instead of gray.
  • Quick Fire and its augments now do 4X damage when hitting an enemy not already affected by fire. This improves fire versus light enemies, without breaking its already strong late game power.
  • Several small tweaks to player movement to reduce the frequency of snags on the environment.
  • Fireball: Greatly increased damage radius expansion when exploding, preventing situations where enemies may move out of range before being hit. Updated the visual effect to fizzle rather than explode when exceeding spell max range.
  • Frenzy: Reduced base augment attack rate penalty from 25% to 15%.
  • Implode: Reduced base damage by 15%.
  • Shocking Current: Tripled damage.
  • Lightning Strike: Reduced base damage penalty from 50% to 25%. Increased AOE radius of Lightning bolt strike.
  • Radiate: Reduced base damage by 25%.
  • Reburn: Updated to have its range extended before triggering a bounce back when increasing the projectile speed.
  • Light Cleave: Reduced base damage by 10%.
  • Underlord Boss: Increased hit points by 25%.
  • Icelands Boss: Added invulnerability window after all generators are destroyed to shed all elemental effect stacks.
  • Healing Challenge Modes: Increased heal reduction from 33% and 66% to 50% and 75%.
  • Jagged Peaks Boss: Updated leg laser walls to now block “hitscan” spells like lightning and Incinerate.

  • Obsidian Boss: Plasma wave attack now damages players again!
  • Fixed issue where guiding arrows could break and stop displaying.
  • Fixed a very rare issue that could cause a fatal error game crash.
  • Magnus Underlord boss: Fixed AI possibly breaking when an Underlord is killed in the first stage.
  • Fixed issue where Air Spawners could agro enemies and end up in a stuck AI state.
  • Molten Pillars Omega Sector: Fixed potential issues with spawns / triggers / enemies preventing level completion. (Thanks to Timothy for the heads up.)
  • Arc Lightning: Fixed issue where the attack was not visually arcing to hit targets.
  • Fixed multiplayer issue where a rally cast could drop 2 rally banners.

Many more smaller tweaks and bug fixes.

Try out the patch and let us know what you think of the new enemy health bars and power ups!

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