- Mellit (Epic and Legendary versions) - Changed text to “all other beings” to indicate that Mellit itself isn’t destroyed by its ability.
- Ultimate Defense - Now has two separate Global Status UI entries, depending on which option was chosen.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Cazit’guls Hero Power triggering Orb of Silence’s first ability.
- Fixed Twisted Timber’s option selection text not indicating it only triggers on Effect or Equipment auras being played.
- Fixed Trapping Roots tooltip typo.
- Fixed various Protection aura tooltips text.
- Fixed One of Seven using Transfusion multiple times per turn.
- Fixed Apep refreshing Hero Power when devouring, even if the devoured being can’t be destroyed (eg. due to Ultimate Defense).
- Fixed Black Forest Guard not moving to Sharedboard even if there are empty slots.
- Fixed Turn timer extension not working properly.
- Fixed Global Status UI not displaying icons if multiple statuses are active.
- Fixed Tinas, City of Spirits “Aura resurrect” option showing as available even if no valid targets were in the afterlife.
- Fixed Elder Orb of Urna not triggering on spells played from Sharedboard.
- Fixed Elder Orb of Urna “Copy” option not showing notification when triggered.
- Fixed Hush 2nd option not blocking Aura cards played from Sharedboard.
- Fixed The Last Wish Crystal not allowing 4/4 Ghost to be summoned even if the board wasn’t full.
- Fixed game not ending properly if player dealt lethal damage while VFX animations were still running (eg. using Illsar’s Hero Power and attacking for lethal while animation is still happening.)
- Fixed card back not showing up when opening packs.
- Summoned Wolf from Summon, will now correctly receive +1/+0 from pack.
- Various UI fixes
Changed files in this update