Due to increased frozen terrain of the Winter Season update, the new game starting location and player respawn was located on ice covered terrain that quickly consumes suit battery during the very first moments of a new game or respawn. Such out of the gate design traps or urgency scenarios are not intended for the very first moments of a new game experience, therefore the landing pod and player respawn has been moved closer to the starting outpost for a more relaxed starting game experience.
Additions & Changes.
Landing pod moved closer to starting outpost.
Player respawns closer to outpost. Location 225 300
Player respawns on normal soil.
Health recovery increased to 4 points per minute.
The #8 removed from red racer vehicle skin
Revised shaders and textures for Winter Season theme.
Revised. Ruby Settler vehicle skin.
Revised Camera Rotation / Mouse Range sensitivity.
Rendering Features
*Added enabled 4x Anisotropic Filter on texture loads.
Significant Change
Per Frame Timer Update.
The query peformance and per frame timer has been adjusted to be far less frequent or agressive.
The adjusted frame timer should reduce rendering micro stutter and reduce cpu usage on most systems regardless of VSYNC configuration.
The current per frame timer is designed to provide 60-70 fps game simulation regardless of monitor refresh rate or VSYNC configuration.
Changed files in this update