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Nomads of Driftland update for 15 February 2024

Driftland Update - Are you a Driftland Specialist?

Share · View all patches · Build 13463768 · Last edited 15 February 2024 – 19:09:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We see a lot of newcomers here! But no matter, if you’re just starting as an Apprentice Mage or if you’ve got a whole prospering empire as an Archmage, we’ve got some news for you!

We made an update fixing some minor bugs occurring in the game and added the logo of our upcoming game, First Dwarf. It takes place in the world of Driftland and is an big expansion of its lore. Control dwarven scouting engineer Tru, dragon Ragna or powerful mech and explore the uncharted islands in search of a new home for your people. This immersive action RPG fuses quick combat with base building and tower defense.

We absolutely love that universe and hope that if you liked the twisted and magical stories of Driftland: The Magic Revival, you will also enjoy First Dwarf!

But First Dwarf is just the beginning, though! We would love to continue our adventure in Driftland, as much as you do! We’ve seen your petition regarding the making of a game with elf characters… What a nice initiative! Who knows what the future will bring.

I finished Driftland… What else have you got?

We’ve got Nomads of Driftland - a standalone free expansion! As you may know, Driftland: The Magic Revival has a unique fusion of RTS, 4X strategy, and Sim genres. This helps you command all your units without micromanagement, thanks to the flag system.

Contrary to that, Nomads of Driftland has a more classic RTS feel and is significantly different from the base game, as units are managed directly. It will be full of new experiences for you!

Unlike in the base game, Nomads of Driftland do not have a ruler and do not carry out orders like previous races. Also, new unit types and classes affect strategy on the battlefield!

And if you want even more…

You can always check out the DLC for Nomads of Driftland called Nomads of Driftland: The Forgotten Passage, which adds 10 new scenarios to the game. Explore the world of floating islands to the fullest!

Custom Maps

If all of the above is already no news to you, Archmage, you can download custom maps in the Steam Workshop. The fun never ends! And even more - [you can create a custom map in the game editor and upload it to the Workshop yourself](steamcommu ☝ Show us what you’ve got!

Bright Future

We are so happy that you decided to play Driftland and we’re always happy to hear from you! What characters do you like the most? Which game system do you prefer? What wild animal do you like to tame the most and what spells are your favorite? Tell us!

And feel free to check out our social media and join our Discord servers, especially since we’re approaching the playtest stage for First Dwarf. Discord server users will gain access to it in the first place. You don’t want to miss this opportunity!

Oh, one more thing. It's the 14th of February…

May your islands float peacefully through the skies! ☀☁ See ya! ☀☁

Star Drifters Team 🚀

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