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Core Keeper update for 15 February 2024 Minor Post-Update Patch

Share · View all patches · Build 13462591 · Last edited 15 February 2024 – 09:52:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the Atlantean Worm would sometimes just keep moving in the north direction.
  • Fixed correct materials to be gained when salvaging the Fang Necklace.
  • Fixed an issue where Omoroth could be engaged before it was biting the bait.
  • Fixed an issue where outlines of Go-Karts would sometimes be enabled when the player was not close to them.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bambuck Kid would get stuck in its movement instead of playing its “baah”.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bambuck would stand still for a longer duration than intended.
  • Fixed an issue with Crystal Shard Club hitting a larger area than intended when charged up.
  • Fixed an issue where Cattle movement would get stuck after breeding.
  • Fixed an issue where Go-Karts would often not destroy roots in front of them while driving towards them.
  • Fixed an issue where Merchants would restock their items when restarting a world.
  • Pets and Cattle no longer block players from hitting Torches with their Mining Picks.
  • Fixed a bug where some custom scene objects would not drop the intended loot.
  • Fixed a bug where the Meadow sub-biome music did not play in Azeos’ Wilderness.
  • Fixed a bug where walking through narrow tunnels in sub-biomes would repeatedly switch the music between sub-biome and main biome tracks.
  • Loading a world with modded items stored in displays (e.g. on Pedestals) without the relevant mod installed no longer results in extremely low frame rates.
  • Fixed an issue where Go-Kart tracks appeared behind the Go-Kart instead of underneath it.
  • Fixed a case where a “Timeout” message was shown instead of the more correct “Connection closed”.

Changed depots in moddebug branch

View more data in app history for build 13462591
Windows Core Keeper Content Depot 1621691
Linux Core Keeper Linux Depot 1621692
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