It may be a little late, but it's finally here. The Lunar New Year event is now live, and will end on March 6! During the event, you can obtain a variety of items from the Lunar New Year Gashapon and "scare" your enemies away with firecrackers!
New Gilded Gashapon Content:
- SYS.TR the Bulwark's Dollification
New Lunar New Year Gashapon Content:
- Bestowal (Common Holiday Recourse Weapon Skin)
- Hot Temper (Common Holiday Outfit)
- Auspicious Invitation (Uncommon Holiday Loadout Outfit)
- Sycee (Common Holiday Chair)
- Yellow Apricot Blossom (Common Holiday Pet)
- Four Blessings (Common Holiday Emote)
New Donator Items:
- Lucky Lantern Keychain
- Mandarine Keychain
- Koban KOunter
Balancing Adjustments:
- Only one instance of Snail Pulse will spawn per floor.
- Graverobber's healing treasure now has a higher initial healing rate and minimum healing rate, but a quicker healing rate decay.
- Heartbeats now inflicts double heal fatigue when healing allies with its attack.
- Work In Progress spinning sawblade now deals more damage per hit.
- Work In Progress oil now reveals hidden players.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed misplaced keychains on Shiniko the Reaper's Dollification.
- Work In Progress spinning sawblades are no longer instantly destroyed in demo playback.
- Players _should _no longer appear to be stuck in respawning due to packet loss.
- Autobalancing is no longer executed on servers with custom team limits.
- The sound of Work In Progress spinning sawblades has had its volume decreased.
Changed files in this update