Hello Heroes!
I try my best to fix all the errors and balance things that you send me on DunHero Discord. I hope you will enjoy this update :D
- 2 new achievements
- Changed chances for drops in Slot Machine (35 Coins 7.5% → 3.5%, Legendary Item 1% → 0.1%, Epic Item 2.5%→0.25%, Rare 5%→0.5%, Common 5%→1.25%)
- Improved all melee weapons damage
- Health Regeneration heals player for 5 now not 1 to avoid to much healing text
- Changed berry max stack size 12→24
- Added Auto Save
- Changed Legendary item cost 800→1000 gold
- Changed Trader item drop rates: Legendary 2.5%→1.25%, Epic 5%→3.5%
- Balanced Goblin King Boss
- Added colors to profinency on weapons
- Quest colors and visibility
- Fixed Lightning staff translation
- Displaying higher item number than 999
- Player icon sometimes showed Warrior instead of Hero
- Fixed some wide screen resolutions
- Fixed saving resolution and window/fullscreen mode
- Fixed error where jumping projectile weapons killed players in non pvp
- Fixed error when sometimes two projectiles where visible or they dissapear at spawn
- Fixed bug where you could reroll cards after clicking Escape button
- Fixed bug where you could duplicate items and equip on wrong slots
- Fixed bug where you couldn’t select warrior
- Fixed Equipment shadow dissapear on drag item
Changed files in this update