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Live the Life update for 14 February 2024


Share · View all patches · Build 13456416 · Last edited 14 February 2024 – 17:06:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Please welcome the updated Live the Life

Hi, everybody!
It's me again! And now I want to present you a new update on which I have worked long and hard. Almost exactly one year ago on February 11, I posted a video announcing a new update that I plan to work on. And now it's time for its release


My work on the dream game continues. And glad to add a very important mechanic for the genre - Relationships.

This day marks a new stage in the development of the game. From now on I'm going to release small but frequent updates. The theme of further updates is the advancement and deepening of the relationship mechanics. This is just the beginning, and I plan to continue to add and improve the system.

The city now has its own residents. All of them are created uniquely when starting a new game. They all have their own characteristics and information that you learn through dialogs.
And the characters are voiced in English. There are a few types of voices, in the future I will consider adding new ones.

You can build relationships with them, etc. Since this is the beginning of the development of this system, you cannot build a family now. I will gradually add these mechanics

Briefly about the relationships:

  • Unique city residents
  • Dialog system through which you can learn information about the persona
  • English voiceover
  • Dating system. Call characters on dates (Increases the speed of relationship progression)
  • Romantic and friendly dialogs
  • Entirely animated physical intimacy system, each time creating a different set of scenes without repeating
  • Messages

Stay tuned for ongoing updates and announcements. I'll be unveiling a roadmap shortly

New City

Also a big emphasis in this update was put on the complete rennovation of the city. I've been wanting to change it for a long time, and now I've realized what I wanted.

New map

It is now a complete, complete city, 4-5 times the size of the old version of the city ( district).
Very much inspired by the city of Seattle and a bit of Portland (Oregon). I tried to achieve that the city was just pleasant to be in and wanted to live in.

And transportation was added to get around the city, specifically:

  • Electric Scooter
  • Tram
  • Bus

Lots of minor changes and mechanics as well:

  • And rain has also been added.
  • New Interface and GUI
  • Ambient music and new UI sound
  • etc


I really want to share about my planned roadmap, but I'll do that in a few weeks. Right now, for the first I want to focus entirely on fixing bugs. There are a lot of bugs that have collected over time, and in general because many mechanics are redesigned from scratch. I have written most of them in a document and will work on them, as well as on what you find. Here is my first goal.

I would write and tell you more, but honestly my head is not working anymore. I haven't had a single day off in over three weeks, working from morning to night, and so I'm honestly having a bit of a hard time stringing together a couple lines right now. I will probably complete this post tomorrow.
And in general write your opinions, I'm always reading and interested.

Enjoy the game and Happy Valentine's Day!

With love,

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