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Six Sides Of Obscurity update for 14 February 2024

I Value You!

Share · View all patches · Build 13456359 · Last edited 14 February 2024 – 17:09:29 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

As a solo developer, dealing with translation processes in the game is challenging both financially and spiritually. However, I am determined to do my best. In this update, I mainly addressed translation issues in Chinese. Here are the details:

1-)Presenting a more readable Chinese!
2-)Some characters were missing in Chinese and Japanese languages, represented by 口; this has been fixed.
3-)Some valuable players were getting lost without realizing they had a task. To address this, I added a message to guide players to their tasks if they haven't taken them.
4-)Enlarged some important icons and damage texts.
5-)Resolved the issue of skills triggering when using 1,2,3,4 to talk to NPCs in situations where it wasn't intended.
6-)We had to get very close to interact with NPCs; I relaxed this distance a bit.

I hope this update satisfies you. Please don't hesitate to report any issues you encounter. Thanks to you, Six Sides of Obscurity can become much better.
You can always reach us from anywhere. (Discord, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)

Wishing you enjoyable games!

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