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Fractured Veil update for 15 February 2024

February 15 Update - Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 13456192 · Last edited 15 February 2024 – 20:33:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Aloha Thrivers!

Today, we’re happy to share with you our weekly round of fixes and improvements. We are beyond grateful to everyone who helped find bugs and spent their time leaving us some feedback about the game! We couldn’t be more excited to keep building this game together with such a supportive community. More fixes, suggestions, and improvements next week so stay tuned!

Major Changes

Many of these changes and fixes here were the most reported issues submitted by our community and the majority of them are gameplay-related. We are incredibly grateful for all the reviews, feedback, and bug finding during this first few weeks of Early Access! Please keep your suggestions and feedback coming!

  • Fixed recycling too many items causing some items to become in a locked state
  • The item wheel will show briefly when hitting the hotbar keys
  • Added HUD hints when trying to equip items in a safe zone
  • Fixed 127 converter no longer taking drag/drops
  • Fixed infinite loop server crash when AI would get stuck trying to push each other
  • Cleaned up the new parking lot area making it more accessible to players
  • Fixed sleeping bag/beds not showing up when logging in dead
  • Added extra buffer to help prevent melee auto swings from triggering. This should address the issue of harvesting suddenly stopping.
  • Non-siege mutants will no longer deal damage to construction objects in PVE zones
  • Fixed coconut grenades not being able to be picked up
  • Increased the frying pan's minimum damage and reduced the tree damage falloff around the weak point. (This should help avoid hitting a tree/rock and getting nothing.)
  • Fixed missing Banyan Tree collision - no more walking through trees
  • updated foliage regeneration to improve performance
  • Fix hit impacts SFX and VFX on Rocks are too intense, especially at night
  • Fixed glowing cubes/pixels around shorelines.
  • Added service repoint and global chat message event handling
  • Fixed player footstep sounds not playing for others
  • Fixed underwater bases not being upgradable
  • Fixed construction piece health being saved as 0 when between 0 and 1, causing issues on server restart

Known Issues


AKA issues that are totally or partially disruptive of the player experience

  • Moving to another quadrant of the map or moving from Zone to Zone might cause some stutters.
  • Most of the game audio is missing - we are working on this.
  • Some zones are still unoptimized and might have performance issues.
  • Playing in ‘WindowedFullscreen’ won't change the resolution of the game after changing it to something else. As a workaround, please play in FullScreen, Windowed or change the System Display Resolution.
  • Bow weapons do not have reticle dot which make aiming in third person difficult. Solution for now: Switch to 1st person.
  • Some Loot Crates spawn more than once and end up floating. Yes, this also means double the loot for now…
  • Some player bases might be partially underground because of some landscape changes. If this happens to you, log a ticket on our Discord Server and we'll be happy to help.

AKA issues that might impact the player experience but won’t result in anything disruptive:

  • Equipped Clothing Does Not Always Appear on the Character Selection Screen
  • Some Enemy AIs like the boar, sometimes loop their death sound or other audio effects
  • No Texture on female glasses/sunglasses
  • The Game still has some placeholder icons.
  • Glasses/Sunglasses Briefly Change Shape when the Character Blinks
  • Intermittently Missing Texture on Both Female Jacket Undershirts, Skirt Leggings and High Heels.
  • The shotgun loads an additional round during reload animation.
  • Players cannot see their own shadows in first-person view.
  • Some glowing torches in the world have either a flickering flame or no flame.
  • Death crates maintain their vertical position (They Float). No matter if that’s from a player, a crate or a bench. (Thx @bigmiiike for the report)
  • In the game world, sleeping bags and beds won’t display their new name until the server restarts. It works fine on the respawn menu.
  • The game has some minor LOD issues that might break immersion.
  • Items dropped from large heights will stop falling midair and float.
  • In some rare cases, the underwater SFX and the “Winded” breathing SFX keep looping. As a workaround, quit to the main menu and log back in again. (Thx @ᴅᴜꜱᴛᴇᴅ and many others for the report)
  • Mutant Bashing quest doesn’t give any rewards to the player when previously completed or when tracking resets.

Special thanks to: gabrielcohen, manic, apexxjimmy, Shiva, bigmiiike, utgort, cranialrectumitis, giantchiprel, redleg, buriedininsanity, cid, pleione, and everyone else who submitted bugs or feature suggestions, Mahalo!

Discuss the update on our Discord Server!

Windows 64-bit Fractured Veil Content Depot 1128501
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