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Golfing In Aether update for 14 February 2024

Golfing In Aether Update Released [1.6.8]

Share · View all patches · Build 13455287 · Last edited 14 February 2024 – 19:13:21 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

For this update some of the themes included in free DLC such as Winter and Dustbowl have been each given some small visual improvements. There is also a bunch of general quality of life additions, and two new hat customizations.

Theme updates

The first addition is frost detailing on stone or wood surfaces, which takes advantage of some of the back-end support introduced with Dustbowl for these parts dynamically being changed as part of the level construction. This isn't a major change but does bring a bit of added natural coloring to levels running this theme.

Dustbowl has had some models such as the windmill and its bases tweaked to reflect a more worn out and damaged look.

For all themes the tracks for movers have been adjusted to have a terrain blending effect, making the gaps the boards raise from or run along seem more natural. This is a small change but particually in the winter and dustbowl themes this helps a lot with the look.

New hats as part of Leviathan DLC

Earlier free DLC "Winter" and "Autumn" both recieved some additional customization even if they were part of timed events or just timed unlocks and I wanted to add some in-theme customization as part of this DLC as well. So now included are two novelty knit hats titled "Shark" and "Fish" somewhat matching the theme of the expansion. Just a little fun extra and these can be color customized like other accessories.

DLC store pages in general have been been given fresh images and added information, the only one I've yet to do is Dustbowl which may also get some themed customization in a future update.

Various bug fixes

Please check the full notes below for all the changes made as its hard to mention everything, if you are aware of any issues then please let me know so they may be hotfixed.

Patch Notes


  • Added support for time based seasonal content – for instance, decorative items such as the pumpkins will now show up automatically around Halloween and the main menu text wishing Merry Christmas or Happy Halloween.


  • Added new images to store pages as well as added information in cases.


  • Added various internal refactoring of files as part of a general tidy up.


  • Added additional frost layer for winter theme (from 2nd free expansion) on all wood, stone walls, and tree’s. This helps improve the theme with a bit more of a natural color rather than reused textures from the base game. The more recent Dustbowl expansion had this treatment.
  • Added blended terrain to the mover stone piece so appears more seamless. This particularly helps the winter and dustbowl themes.
  • Fixed snow coverage on a triangle piece on “Rebound”.
  • Fixed flag raise range on “Up the stairs” being a little too short given the speed of shots taken.
  • Added themed versions of the support posts holding up rails in some levels.
  • Added visually damaged model of the windmill for Dustbowl theme.
  • Fixed a couple levels lacking snow on windmill wall mounts.
  • Fixed position of flippers in some levels to be more seamless with terrain for placement (as well as added blended terrain like other movers).
  • Fixed some wall placement on Zig Zag.
  • Fixed some minor wall gaps on Fore Fun.
  • Fixed a stump too high on Hill climb.
  • Fixed incorrect physical material on a decorative wall piece on Behind the Tee.
  • Fixed the two top holes on Tee Time having a swapped camera.
  • Fixed some rock placement on Centre Path.


  • Fixed draw order of the “X” when no hat is selected on the choose players menu.
  • Fixed incorrect main menu message shown in demo.
  • Fixed some loading text not displayed if starting a custom game / session.

Discord Server

Be sure to check out the official discord server with channels for Golfing In Aether and my other various projects.

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