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Last Hopeless update for 14 February 2024

Version 1.0.1 is Now Live!

Share · View all patches · Build 13454852 · Last edited 14 February 2024 – 15:09:26 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Last Hopeless Release Note
version 0.0.1

In this version release, the following changes were mainly made: UI, non-battle system, and resource system.
Many changes were made to items, buffs, humans, and zombies. Some changes were made to hit feedback, and many bugs were fixed.

  1. A detailed description and property of items and buffs were added. Now, when choosing from reinforcement, there is a detailed description.
  2. A powerboard system outside the main gameplay was added, which allows you to upgrade your character.
  3. A character select page was added, where you can select and manage new characters.
  4. A new Energy Cube resource was added, which is used outside the game.
  5. The Fellow system was restructured, allowing you to find and send Humans back to your spaceship during your adventure.
  6. The Fellow AI was restructured, making them more helpful and able to use limited items.
  7. You can now choose which Item will be enhanced for the single-target enhancer.
  8. Zombie abilities and equipment were reconstructed, and the boss's ability may be more deadly than that of normal zombies.
  9. Bosses can now drop treasure boxes immediately.
  10. All buffs were reconstructed, bugs were fixed, and most of them were balanced. More than 20 new buffs were added, and there are now about 220 buffs in total.
  11. All items were reconstructed, balanced, and the properties of weapons and protection were changed.
  12. The Resist Property was added to all creatures, making it harder for zombies and bosses to be controlled by Stun, Repel, Interupt, and other controlling effects.
  13. The zombie attack collision detection was rewritten to fix the bug where zombies could not implement damage.
  14. A flash hint for hits and hits was added, and a flash hint for protection hits was added.
  15. The HUD was restructured a little, and the current Item status UI was added to display current Health and max health.
  16. Some items for zombies, such as Bucket and SafetyCone, were removed from this version and will be added back when balancing zombie Generation.
  17. All melee weapons now grant +3HP when equipped for balance, and melee weapons were rebalanced. Some of them are still a little weak.
  18. Many basic bugs were fixed.
  19. Some camera bugs were fixed.
  20. A new Skrew Driver item was added.

These changes took much longer than I expected. I will later focus mainly on In-Game Balance, Map System, and Event System. After that, the whole main game play will be complete. I will also focus on some small improvements in Human and zombie designs. New Items, Buffs, Humans, and Zombies will be ready this year, but after I build up the main system.

There is a plan for super weapons. But I would like to build a solid and fun game play before that.

Tips for the new version:

  1. Human fellows can be rescued, and then you can use new characters.
  2. Open new pods for more characters.
  3. The powerboard can be upgraded.
  4. The Energy Cube Collection rate may be a little bit slow, and I will adjust it later.
  5. Some bosses may be too hard, be ready for the fight, and use the powerboard if you feel the enemy is too strong.
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