Today, the developer will test the BETA version 'Treasure Update' on live stream.
In the meantime, you will be able to download & play it on BETA section (please look for 'TreasureUpdate')
Patch notes:
- Fixed: UI issue on dialog screen.
- Added: Warning on the first item slot assignment on heroes to explain that it will be bound and cannot be removed.
- Balance: Loot quality balance is improved. Monster difficulty will be the same but you may find more magics.
- Added: Item loot notification to in-game UI.
- Fixed: Small rocks doesnt block the hero anymore.
- Balance: Items can have abilities on them (also legendaries), but it was really difficult to drop them with an ability and/or legendary on it. Now you may find more items with abilities and legendaries.
I will keep updating the game with your criticisms.
Changed files in this update