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Degenheim Playtest update for 14 February 2024

Degenheim Public Playtest - v 0.1.18 Patch Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 13452644 · Last edited 14 February 2024 – 10:09:26 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings all!
Below you will find Fixes and Updates implemented in Degenheim Public Playtest - version 0.1.18:

Gameplay Content & New Chapter 4:

  • Whole new chapter, featuring new challenges, enemies, minibosses, environments
  • A unique boss fight, unlike any other encountered before
  • Added breakable Destructible objects, dropping several types of power-ups, including highly requested Heals.
  • Added a Vendor Room, where Straw Barry will be blessing Players with his help.
  • Added Buff Icons with Timers above the HUD, displaying all active abilities granted by Power-Ups and Items.
  • Added Off Screen Enemy Indicators, to enable players to pinpoint the enemy position.
    (Note: Should significantly help with locating Sultans and Laser Beamers to help with the Off-screen snipers.)

Chapter 2 Boss Fight - Project Godjira / Shan:
We’ve felt the boss fight did not pose the challenge and variability it should have and one ability specifically stood out as not really fitting to the kit. Hence why we introduced multiple changes to polish the fight and make it more versatile and dynamic.

  • Reworked the Project Godjira / Shan Boss fight by introducing different cooldowns to all abilities
  • A complete rework of the Celestial Beam ability into 1 beam that actively chases the player after a short delay, dealing periodic damage
  • Polished the animation for the horizontal Radioactive Beam so that the Boss does not go through obstacles anymore, causing unexpected behavior - beam being emitted through an obstacle that normally provides cover
  • Visual adjustments to the environment - now features multiple Project Godjira logos, the city is in fires and includes more signs of havoc
  • Several tweaks to Project Godjira / Shan Boss level to make the zone cleaner and more spacious


  • Items are and will be undergoing a major quality overhaul, further balancing stats and more importantly updating the perks and abilities of all Items, to ensure an enjoyable experience. Item abilities have been shifted around and offer much more variety in terms of build creation.
  • Updated Tooltips on several Items.
  • We also added a BUNCH of new items so that you have more stuff to play around with.
  • All items now offer new benefits and effects when upgraded to higher rarities, totalling 72 new effects in total.


  • Further fixes and polishing to existing maps, namely working on removing the invisible walls, adjusting the object colliders, and removing places where Players could get stuck.
  • Fixed light and visuals in several maps.

User Interface:

  • Added QoL change to Chapter Select UI where the selection automatically pans to the highest available chapter.
  • Updated and corrected the Fast AF Boi Talent icon.
  • Added QoL change to enable players to close Modal windows also by simply clicking anywhere outside of the currently open Modal window.
  • Added NPC dialogues when first opening various menus in Player HUB.
  • Added QoL change when starting a new game, players automatically continue with the last played character from their previous session.
  • Added a heavily requested QoL change where dropped items at the end of the run now show Item Preview when hovering on the item icon.
  • Disabled Player movement while Dialogue windows are open.
  • Minor tweaks to how Character Unlock Progress is displayed.


  • Implemented several new Talent options and increased the available Talent Cap.
    (Note: Talents will be reset and automatically redistributed to include newly added Talents after downloading the patch.)


  • Various Projectiles having the issue of colliding with VFX should now be resolved.
  • Various VFX fixes where the player was able to get on top of the launched projectiles.
  • Added an impactful screen-shake for Tomateor Ability.
  • Added a QoL change to make it easier to differentiate between Bleed DoT color and the damage received by the Player.
  • Fixed Zap VFX not always correctly displaying.
  • QoL updates to Ability Cards Tooltips.
  • Removed Ability Card selection after the Final Boss fight in any given chapter.

Sound Effects:

  • Various minor SFX tweaks and fixes.
  • Added several new Environmental and Destructible SFX.
  • Added Power-ups SFX.
  • Fixed various issues that caused continuous SFX loops.

Game Balance:

  • Further balancing and finetuning of the amount of dropped rewards in each Chapter.

Dash Johnson
According to player feedback and data, most players used to play Dash and neglect other characters. While Dash by himself was pretty balanced, he received a slight nerf to fit in better with others.

  • Special Attack projectile lifetime decreased from 0.65s to 0.25s
  • Base Crit Damage decreased from 200% to 140%
  • Ultimate initial Attack Power conversion increased from 150% to 180%

Stacy was perceived as too squishy and had several issues in the fluidity of her kit, exposing her too much at certain moments. Her kit was rebalanced and abilities made quicker, so that she may execute them faster and be less exposed to potential incoming damage. She still is a mid-range glass cannon, ripping everything apart while being less optimal build dependent, rewarding players who have mastered positioning.

  • Base Attack Power increased from 60 to 80
  • Base Crit Chance decreased from 25% to 12%
  • Base Health increased from 240 to 310
  • Base Armor increased from 50 to 60
  • Primary Attack conversion from Attack Power decreased from 30% to 19%
  • Primary Attack delay before shots reduced by 100%
  • Primary Attack Speed increased by 30%
  • Primary Attack Ultimate charge rate increased by 100%
  • Special Attack conversion from Attack Power decreased from 140% to 100%
  • Special Attack Ultimate charge rate increased by 30%
  • Special Attack animation speed increased by 100%
  • Ultimate Attack Power conversion increased from 80% to 90%
  • Ultimate Attack now allows for movement while activating

Pyrokidd was rebalanced to be the squishiest of characters, as his kit offers the ability to play extremely safe, rewarding high skill players who are aware of incoming danger and good at dodging and positioning. His kit also received adjustments to its fluidity, making it much more enjoyable to play with shorter delays resulting in less skill demanded to hit enemies. He remains as one of the top damaging characters, as his Special Attack and Ult are extremely powerful.

  • Base Attack Power increased from 110 to 120
  • Base Crit Damage increased to 135%
  • Base Health decreased from 330 to 280
  • Primary Attack area increased by 20%
  • Primary Attack delay decreases by 30%
  • Primary Attack conversion from Attack Power increased from 15% to 20%
  • Special Attack conversion from Attack Power increased from 50% to 90%
  • Special Attack range increased by 12.5%
  • Ultimate conversion of Attack Power increased from 15% to 20% per hit

Baba Med
Baba Med was always intended to be a slower, extreme damage powerhouse. However we felt he was a bit too slow, hence why we boosted his attack speed, projectile speed, and added the ability to move constantly while executing all abilities. His Primary Attacks are supposed to feed his wombo-combo, the special attack, hence why we made them deal less damage, but much easier to apply and maintain. We also reworked his ultimate ability into a huge straight line thunderstorm, demolishing all enemies within.

  • Base Crit Chance increased from 5% to 6%
  • Base Crit Damage increased to 130%
  • Base Movement Speed increased by 10%
  • Special Attack can now be detonated while moving
  • Special Attack cooldown reduced from 5s to 3.5s
  • Primary Attack conversion from Attack Power per Static stack increased from 65% to 85%
  • Primary Attack Stacks (Static) duration increased from 6s to 10s
  • Primary Attack Stacks (Static) maximum amount reduced from 5 to 3
  • Primary Attack conversion from Attack Power decreased from 25% to 15%
  • Primary Attack conversion from Attack Power for AoE damage decreased from 15% to 5%
  • Ultimate completely reworked into a wide, long-range AoE

Technoviking was in a very good spot, together with Dash Johnson. He received minor tweaks so he would become what we have envisioned for him - a slow-ish, heavy hitting brute with far reach. We polished his kit to be more fluid and balanced a few stats to make him fit into the new balance better.

  • Base Attack Power increased from 110 to 115
  • Base Health decreased from 610 to 580
  • Base Crit Damage increased to 130%
  • Base Movement speed increased from 3.5%
  • Special Attack animation speed increased by 30%

Playable Characters:

  • Fixed an issue causing erratic and unintended behavior for Baba Med in certain instances.
  • Updated Playable Characters’ Tooltips in the Bar.
  • Updated Stacy’s gun positioning.


  • Updated the Hydra’s emerge invulnerability windows to allow Players to start fighting them immediately after the Enemy shows up.
  • The Hydras should now correctly receive Poison DoT damage while submerged.
  • Updated the Hydra’s submerge time, so they are more vulnerable after they attacked
  • Updated the attack cooldown of all Ballerina Brutes, so they are more vulnerable after they attacked and they pose a lesser threat throughout all fights
  • Further tweaks on Demonic Onesie charge attack to prevent collisions with environmental obstacles.
  • Fixed Jumping Normie Enemy invulnerability if killed mid-air.
  • Fixed AOE Enemies getting hyper-speed in certain instances.
  • Further tweaks on Enemy Attack Delay Timers to help prevent enemies attacking the Player immediately after spawning.
  • Further tweaks on several Mini Boss ground attack indicators.
  • Damage and HP balancing tweaks on some mobs, mainly Brutes, Beamers and Hydras.

Misc and Other:

  • Further fixes on issues caused when selecting Pause Menu option to Exit Run in various states of the game.
  • Updated visuals of the dropped Currency to accurately represent the D-Coin.

Team Degenheim

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