Hi everyone! This is a pretty big patch, hopefully the last one for a while! Once again, thank you to all who emailed us bug reports!
- The game will now do its best to gracefully recover after a dead end or crash, to prevent losing too much progress.
- Added a setting to control whether the "Skip" option shows up when dying (it no longer depends on death count).
- Renamed "Skip Dialogue" setting to "Hold to Fast Forward".
- Player is now prevented from picking up jar or lamp if they already took the other one.
- Fishing is now a little faster.
- Added the ability to leave a flower at the grave.
- Added the ability to skip the painting chase sequence.
- Added a few more item hints to Spider.
- Fixed menu disabled during Ending 4 (not that it will help you).
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Kett from waking up when he should.
- Fixed phone battery draining when only using it for a bit.
- Fixed camera getting offset when you entered bushes in the Locked Site.
- Fixed some corners where Mr. Locked Site couldn't reach you. You will never be safe again.
- Fixed purple petals not actually being purple.
- Fixed an issue where the moths would not react correctly to the lavender.
- Fixed a potential softlock with the facility primals.
- Fixed an inconsistency regarding the bucket solution.
- Fixed an incongruent dialogue triggering at the fuse panel.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the player to duplicate water jars.
- Fixed an issue where the player could backtrack during the Kett chase.
- Fixed an issue where Miss Knives would spawn twice.
- Fixed fires overlapping during boss fight.
- Fixed an issue where dying at the very last second of the boss fight caused strange behavior.
- Exterminated all in-game typos.
- Removed a bunch of useless data.
- Various other minor fixes.
Time to get on with the translations!
Changed files in this update