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[Neolithic]To the End update for 13 February 2024

Update 20240214

Share · View all patches · Build 13447298 · Last edited 13 February 2024 – 20:46:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is, by no means, that the daily update has been restored. I am still literally catching my breath.

[Pet]You can now bind all those trees as your pets. (There are five types of them in total right now. Thanks for Dagarond's suggestion on the forum.)
[Tree]Added necessary art assets for them to be played as pets.
[The Sealed Palace]More areas in the Throne Room are now accessible.
[The Sealed Palace]Added a magic anvil to the left of the Throne Room.
[The Sealed Palace]Added a new BGM for the Throne Room.
[Spell Fusion]A character with fusion spells on them will no longer lose those spells when exported to a new save file. (It does not affect any fusion spells made before this version.)
[Spell Fusion]A dropped pet with fusion spells on it will no longer lose those spells when you leave them in your pocket dimension for a long time. (It does not affect any fusion spells made before this version.)
[Customized Skill System]Some big systemic changes to ensure all our crazy features.
[Customized Skill System]Now each character has their skill-restoration code attached to them in case the rest of the world blows up, they can still restore their customized skills.
[Customized Skill System]Automatic garbage collection system for randomly generated skills is now on. Hopefully, nothing explodes.
[Mercenary]Fixed a crash when importing mercenary characters from a file.

Neolithic-To the End Content Depot 1519141
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