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MAJOR Sorcevival update for 13 February 2024

Patch Notes 0.2.0

Share · View all patches · Build 13446848 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:36:00 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Sorcerers!

It's been a couple of months since the game release, but here you have a new patch with a new map to purge: the Forest! . This is the first patch of the year, and we hope the wait wasn't to long. For now on we will try to make smaller patches while working on big ones to avoid long waits without new content. Now, time to enjoy Sorcevival!

New Content

  • New Map Added: Forest. This new map can be unlocked completing a quest on the Quest Board. Be careful, some of the new enemies have earth and water resistances. Luckily, plants don't like fire too much.


  • Now runes have a fixed probability of being elemental (35%), so no matter how much runes you unlock, there will be always the same amount of elemental ones.
  • Heals dropped from props now heal an additional 5% of player max health
  • Base HP increased for the Fungus Enemy with HP recover
  • Boss Fungus Amalgama: Now 2 consecutive areas can not overlap
  • Boss Micelial Colossus: 2nd phase shield number reduced from 5 to 4
  • Now Bosses wait before doing some spells

Arcane Projectile

  • (3rd Row) Vital Drain: Life Steal increased from 5% to 10%
  • (3rd Row) Empowered Blast: Crit. Chance and Crit. Dmg decreased from +25% to +20%
  • (4th Row) Rapid Burst: Atack Spd. increased from +30% to +50%
  • (5th Row) Fatal Finnese: Atack Spd. (+20%) removed
  • (5th Row) Critical Mastery: Crit. chance (+20%) removed, crit. dmg increased from +20% to +30%

Arcane Burst

  • (2nd Row) Eruption Surge: Area reduction decreased from -25% to -20%
  • (3rd Row) Rapid Detonation: Now increase 1 dmg
  • (3rd Row) Close Quarters: Close Dmg increased from 5 to 6
  • (3rd Row) Critical Impact: Area reduction decreased from -25% to -20% and Crit. Chance increased from 30% to 35%
  • (4th Row) Shockwave: Dmg increased from 3 to 4
  • (5th Row) Chaotic Blast: Now gives 20% Armor Penetration
  • (5th Row) Chain Blast: Now gives 50% Armor Penetration, now decrease Atack spd. by -50%, now increase 8 dmg and now increase +25% Crit. Dmg

Arcane Orbit

  • (1st Row) Arcane Rotation: Area reduction decreased from -20% to -15%
  • (1st Row) Replican Orbs: Area decreased from 25% to 20%
  • (2nd Row) Empowered Orbits: Atack Spd. (+15%) removed and dmg increased from 4 to 6
  • (3rd Row) Rapid Rotation: Quantity reduction (-1) removed.
  • (3rd Row) Rift Spheres: Area decreased from 50% to 30%
  • 3rd Row: Now increase 1 dmg
  • (4th Row) Piercing Havoc: Now increase 10% Atack Spd.
  • (4th Row) Volatile orbs: Dmg increased from 7 to 8
  • (5th Row) Explosive Cluster: Pierce increase from 2 to 3 and Atack Spd. increased from 40% to 50%
  • (5th Row) Orbital Onslaught: Now increase 2 dmg
  • (5th Row) Chaos Orbs: Now incrase +10% Crit. dmg

Arcane Echo

  • (4th Row) Rapid Strikes: Orb Spd increased from +20% to +25%
  • (5th Row) Arcane Frenzy: Now increase 1 dmg and now gives 25% Armor Penetration
  • (5th Row) Temporal Rift: Dmg increased from 7 to 10

Arcane Barrier

  • (3rd Row) Shield Mastery: Dmg (1) removed and now decrease Atack Spd. by -30%
  • (3rd Row) Critical Defense: Dmg increased from 1 to 2 and now increase crit. dmg by +10%
  • (4th Row) Blast Barrier: Dmg increased from 5 to 8

Arcane Trail

  • (1st Row) Trail Blazer: Dmg reduced from 2 to 1 and area reduced from +25% to +20%
  • (2nd Row) Arcane Resonance: Area reduced from +50% to +30%
  • (2nd Row) Phatom Dash: Dash CDR increased from +20% to +25%
  • (4th Row) Prolonged Surge: Dmg (2) removed
  • (4th Row) Dash Mastery: Dmg reduced from 2 to 1
  • (4th Row) Devastating Charge: Dmg increased from 7 to 10
  • (5th Row) Spectral Streak: Spell Spd. (50%) removed


  • Lonely Shard: Distance to grant 1 dmg reduced from 100px to 96px
  • Vengeful Aura: Area Buff increased from +100% to +200% and duration increased from 3s to 5s
  • Doombringer: Stacks increased until +150%

Active Spells

  • Disintegrate: Duration increased from 5s to 6s, tick dmg increased from 5 to 8 and cd decreased from 150s to 135s
  • Frenzy: Atack Spd. increased from +100% to +150%
  • Blazeglory: Cd decreased from 120s to 105s
  • Void Doom: Duration decreased from 15s to 12s


  • Vigor: Hp increased from +15 to +20
  • Spellswift: Spell Spd. decreased from +10% to +5%


  • Wind Rune: Atack spd. increased from +20% to +30% and Spell Spd. increased from +10% to +20%
  • Fire Rune: Dot Percent Dmg increased from 10% to 15%

Miscellaneous and BugFixes

  • New Color Palette. Now the game is darker and less saturated.
  • Now Enemy Shields show it current HP after taking dmg
  • Boss Souls no longer can spawn outside the level
  • Number of Particles for Shield Explosion reduced to avoid FPS drops
  • Fixed a Bug where Nova size wasn't being drawn properly while using Relic Vengeful Aura
  • Fixed a Bug which prevent Enemy Shields to be destroyed
  • Fixed a Bug where Boss Shields didn't spawn as expected
  • Fixed a Bug where some Boss skills didn't activate in their first phase
  • Fixed a Bug where Shields didn't receive dmg from close dmg

Please keep enjoying Sorcevival, and thank you for being there! May your spells hit their mark, and keep on surviving!

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