Changelog for v0.5.5
- Added Support for leaderboards / histograms for published workshop levels. Please update / re-publish your levels for this to work.
- Added "clear log" button to log window, disabled automatic clearing.
- Added toggleComment command to code editor. Ctrl-/ on US keyboard layout, Ctrl-# on EU layout (the key left of the Return key in both cases)
- Added 4 new solution videos (Tiny House; Shooting Range 0, 1 and 2)
- Added highlight to leaderboard for own entry (based on Steam / profile name)
- Improved RobotArm pickup, release and collision blocking
- Improved goal progress in GPS Racing level
- Mostly disabled automatic setting of time dilation
- Fixed construct code reload bug in level editor
- Fixed (for real now) leaderboard top10, top3, top2, top1 achievements not being awarded correctly (would only award highest instead of all)
- Fixed bug in code editor that caused it to get stuck on an old version of a script (happened after changing imports)
- Fixed level editor "clear button" resetting code to default player code instead of default level construct code.
- Fixed outdated info in VoxelBuilder docs. Correct command is "build_voxel", not "build".
- Fixed FactBox, was able to click quickly to receive multiple PerkPoints
- Fixed bug when clicking "Finish Level" too fast
- Fixed tooltip for Piano
- Fixed some rare issues with the MovablePlatform not respecting proper location and rotation limits
- Fixed swapped axis for the MovablePlatform in shooting range 2 (x/y and roll/pitch was swapped)
- Fixed leaderboard submit not possible on level retry
- Fixed bullet collision not having impact location set
Changed files in this update