- Player Model: Finally the player has own body in My Village Life and fully synced with every movement and item in the game. It's included different driving, drinking, item holding types. This is a main step to the next gen co-op mode!
- Sleeping bag: Now at the request of the players we added a buyable sleeping bag to the game what you can use to sleep and save everywere. Simply you can place it on the ground or grab it back to use again.
- Sleeping bag markers: All sleeping bag make a marker for itself to you can find are simply.
- New Logs Pick Up System: Now we added a new pick up system for wood logs and
splitted wood. You can pick up more logs or wood. If you pick up logs your limit is 4 pcs, if you pick up splitted woods your limit is 8 pcs.
- License Plates / Custom License Plates: Now all vehicles of the game have Hungarian license plates. You can change it at the Mojzi's Workshop to custom.
- Brake light and Index for all Vehicle:
- FSR 2.0: Now we added FSR 2.0 Technology to the game. If you have a lower performance Computer you can grow your FPS with this. You can switch of 5 mode of it.
- Tree Density setting: Now you can change of the trees density options. You can choose from 3 option: Generate the 100%, 50%, 33% of trees. If you change it to lower percent the game is required lower memory usage.
New Map Markers for Ladik 1500, Granny Events
New Radio Tracks
License Plates for all AI Vehicles
Logo for todor0ff
- Player Customization: We improved the player customization menu and made a brand new one. Now you can change the player skin, beard, hair, eye color and his clothes, hats, accessories.
- TPS camera for all vehicle:
- Axe log chopping: Now you can't got problems with pick up when you chopping logs.
- Increased payout for Forestry:
Logs: 160Ft → 260Ft
Splitted wood: 60Ft → 90Ft
Rewrited Bike system
Increased Bike speed
Rewrited Motorbike system
Rewrited Sled system
Some changing in the main menu
Expansioned controls list
Tuned Vehicles Lost their engine force bugs
Fixed Size and bugs of Sled and Bike
Cassette tape scene Player bug
All scene Player appear bug fix
Motorbikes wheel problem when use help
Some Vehicle Audio crash fix
Axe hit helper fix
Special Veteran Outfit Reward
If you are a veteran player you will get a Special Veteran Outfit for your character when you next login to the game.
Requirements: You had to done the first Granny Mission before [01.01.2023].
2x Payout on Forestry
Now you get Double Money for log and split wood until to the next update.
This list not include all changes!
Have a good game MVL players!
Changed files in this update