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Star Conflict update for 13 February 2024

Star Conflict 1.12.2 UMC archives: Fire of love

Share · View all patches · Build 13440219 · Last edited 13 February 2024 – 06:06:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

At the very beginning of the Invasion, Robert Sanderson worked in one of the Empire’s numerous shipyards as a lead engineer. In his spare time he was designing a small rescue ship to build a single copy to give to his wife Valentina Vega, a doctor on the “Drake” with the personal name “Alexander von Werner”.

In 4615, “Alexander von Werner” arrived to conduct a human evacuation of New Babylon, which was being infected by the biomorph virus. On the fifth day, New Babylon fell out of orbit and the Legion fleet declared its blockade. On the same day, an infestation of the Liu-virus broke out on the “Alexander”.

Thanks to the work of Valentina, it was possible to save 70% of the ship’s crew. The Legion evacuated healthy people and the doctor, but Valentina died of complications on the way home before she could send a letter to her husband. Robert took the death of his wife hard, but completing the project became a matter of principle for him. However, the Galaxy no longer needed purely civilian ships, so Sanderson developed weapons and electronic warfare systems for his brainchild, and he approached this task with all the persistence of a man creating Legion ships.

New event “UMC archives: Fire of love”

All pilots who can complete all stages of the “UMC archives: Fire of love” event will be able to assemble a new ship completely free of charge! The offer is time limited and will be available until March 14.

Pilots, the “UMC archives: Fire of love” event will be held in one stage. There are 30 levels in the stage. Only the owners of a special Pass will be able to unlock all levels, but the first and every fifth level will be available to all pilots.

To get the reward, you need to unlock the desired stage. In order to gain access to the next reward, you need to complete all the previous stages. You can join a stage at any time when the stage is available.

The event will last for one month. During the entire period, all pilots will be able to earn the special game currency in battle — Xenochips.

  • Xenochips can be obtained for completing any tasks as an additional reward.
  • Xenochips are added to the game for a limited time, and after the end of the event they will be withdrawn from the game and from the accounts of all pilots. Make sure to spend your xenochips before the end of the event!
  • Xenochips can be spent on special rewards during the event.

ECN archives: Fire of love. Special bundles and rewards

To gain access to all rewards, pilots must purchase the “Fire love” pass. The pass can be purchased in the official project store.

Special pack “Fire of love”

The pack includes:

  • Access to additional rewards in the “Fire of love” event;
  • Upon receipt, the next level is immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available;
  • 7 days of premium license.
Special pack “Fire of love (Deluxe edition)”

A special version of the “Fire of love” pass. The pass can be purchased in the official project store.

The pack includes:

  • Access to additional rewards in the “Fire of love” event;
  • Upon receipt, the following 15 levels are immediately unlocked and all rewards of the unlocked levels are available;
  • 30 days of premium license.

Event rewards

[tr][th]Level[/th][th]Reward (* — available with the pass)[/th][/tr]
1[/td][td]New portrait “Lady of the Sun”.*[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]2[/td][td]“Missile with a chemical container” x30
[tr][td]3[/td][td]Ammunition: ”Resonating crystal” x30[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]4[/td][td]Resources: Monocrystal х15
5[/td][td]Ammunition: “Crystal fighter drone” х30[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]6[/td][td]Pattern: “Gold lines”[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]7[/td][td]Resources: Monocrystal х15
[tr][td]8[/td][td]Seed-chip bundle[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]9[/td][td]Resources: “Synthetic polycrystal” х5
10[/td][td]Special part of the ship “Cor Vulnus” [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]11[/td][td]Title “Bloody Valentine”[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]12[/td][td]“Attractor” missile x30
[tr][td]13[/td][td]Seed-chip bundle[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]14[/td][td]Ammunition: “Magnetic mine” x30
15[/td][td]Module blueprint “Eternal moment”[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]16[/td][td]Paint: “Matsuhana”[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]17[/td][td]“Radiation fog” missile х30
[tr][td]18[/td][td]Resources: Monocrystal х15[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]19[/td][td]Ammunition: “Resonating charges” x30
20[/td][td]Special part of the ship “Cor Vulnus” [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]21[/td][td]Set of stickers[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]22[/td][td]Ammunition: “Crystal fighter drone” x30
[tr][td]23[/td][td]Seed-chip bundle[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]24[/td][td]Resources: “Synthetic polycrystal” х10
25[/td][td]Weapon blueprint “Dead heart laser”[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]26[/td][td]New decor “New rose” [/td][/tr]
[tr][td]27[/td][td]Ammunition: “Resonating charges” x30
[tr][td]28[/td][td]Seed-chip bundle[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]29[/td][td]Resources: “Synthetic polycrystal” х10
30[/td][td]Special part of the ship “Cor Vulnus” **[/td][/tr]

New missiles

New missiles have been added to the game. Pilots will be able to obtain them in the “UMC archives: Fire of love” event. From the March 14, pilots will be able to find the blueprints of missiles in Open Space and manufacture them.

Missile with a chemical container

  • Leaves a drone at the point of an explosion that sprays a gas that deals damage to the hull, bypassing the shield.

“Attractor” missile

  • Attracts all enemies to the centre of the explosion and then blows them up.

“Radiation fog” missile.

  • Generates a radioactive cloud, dealing thermal damage per second, while reducing the time of heating and increasing the time of cooling of enemy weapons.

Imperial rank 16 ECM interceptor “Cor Vulnus”

In 4622 Robert was able to assemble the ship’s prototype, naming it Cor Vulnus. The ship turned out to be unique and effective enough to get Gabriel Hugot’s attention. The aristocrat negotiated with Robert Sanderson and started production of the new interceptors at his shipyard. The UMC was able to negotiate the ability to purchase some of the manufactured ships. The queue for purchase is booked for months in advance, so mercenaries looking to acquire a “Cor Vulnus” in the near future should get the attention of Gabriel Hugot or Robert Sanderson.

Special ship part:

  • Required for the production of the ship.
  • Can be obtained as a reward in the “Fire of love” event.

Special module “Blind love”

  • Gains energy for each enemy that marks you as a target. When activated, the selected enemy forcibly makes your ship their target, and their weapons fire at the nearest ally.

Active module “Eternal moment”

  • At a certain range, reduces the recharge of enemy modules in the line of direct sight.

“Dead heart” laser

  • When hitting an enemy, it disables their energy regeneration, but doesn’t prevent them from replenishing energy from other sources


Priest Bartle

  • The ship is now available for purchase for galactic standards.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Pilots, the Star Conflict team wishes you a happy Valentine’s Day! May happiness, love and luck always help you in battle!

Festive achievements

Especially for the holiday, we have prepared unique achievements for all pilots:

  • Achievement “Deadly kiss”: destroy or help destroy one ship by ramming. The achievement is available until 05:00 GMT on February 19.
  • Achievement “Close contact”: destroy or help destroy one ship by ramming on the ship “Thar’Ga”. The achievement is available until 05:00 GMT on February 19.

New bundle “Matters of the heart”

  • Sticker “Ordinary miracle”.
  • Sticker “Fire of love”
  • Sticker “For you”
  • Sticker “Love”
  • Sticker “Lucky in love”.

“Make love tattoo” bundle

  • Paint “Heart on a wing”.
  • Sticker “Catch your love”
  • Sticker “My funny Valentine”
  • Sticker “My funny Valentine”
  • Sticker “My favourite monster”
  • Sticker “Favourite side of the moon”

“Love is…” bundle

  • Decor “Burning heart”
  • Sticker “...always striving for their heart”
  • Sticker “...enjoying small things”
  • Sticker “...dreaming big”
  • Sticker “...being in the same orbit”
  • Sticker “......trying new things”

“Valentine’s Day” pack

Especially for the holidays, we have prepared a “Valentine’s Day” pack with new stickers and unique paint:

  • “Cupid’s arrows” paint
  • “Plasma Heart” sticker
  • “Alien surprise” sticker
  • “Valentine helmet” sticker
  • “Care package” sticker
  • Sticker “Cherry kiss”

Holiday stickers and paint are now available. The pack will be available for a limited time!

  • “Valentine” pattern
  • “Dopamine” sticker
  • “Gentle matter” sticker
  • “Superstar Bear” sticker
  • “Love abduction” sticker
  • “Alien Friend” sticker

You can get all the stickers in a special container. To do this, you will need to go to the “Bundles” tab.


  • Updated visual effects:

    • Pirate singularity generator
    • Antisabotage 2.1
    • Protocol regulation
    • Hacking booster “Konung”
    • "A gift from heaven" decor
  • Improved a number of texts and descriptions.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed the hologram of the “Seeress” ship with the “Plasma inductor” Weapon to deal damage.
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