The first of the next few optimization updates. Spent some time on weapons and levels. 2 Maps have been optimized a bit. One seems to run better than the other right now.
- Added loading screen to character select
- fixed head in scope, slip up from rebuilding character mesh setting code.
- refined recoil and distance on SCAR
- refined recoil, distance, scope, and recoil on base sniper rifle
- refined recoil, distance, and scope, on ak105skfs
- refined recoil, and distance, on base SMG
- refined recoil, distance, and damage on base machinegun
- refined recoil, distance, and damage on base shotgun
- refined recoil, distance, damage and fire rate on AK105SK0B
- refined recoil/recover speed, distance, and damage on LMG02
- refined recoil/recover speed, distance, damage, and distance heard on M60
- refined recoil, distance, damage on SR-15
- refined recoil, distance and fire rate on STG
- refined recoil, distance and distance heard on AK47
- refined recoil, and distance heard on 357 magnum
OS texture res changes.
lighting changes.
(The other map) lumen removed, ray traced shadows replace lumen shadows.
Using an entirely merged building, single draw call. I didn't mess with the light from what they were last. They may need changing.
Changed files in this update