Hey everyone. There's a few changes and updates to crampons and climbing forces in general, so be sure to check them out below.
Crampon Jump Updates
- After 2 consecutive wall jumps, the force of your wall jumps will be significantly worse and will make a noise to signify it failed.
Reach Force Updates
To get rid of unnecessary reach-spamming, there's been a change to discourage spamming and encourage better timing. In short, spamming has detrimental effects while better reach-timing rewards you with greater force.
- Hand-spam has been very slightly nerfed. The more you spam reaching, the more detrimental the effects of the force added will be.
- Better timing with reaches will be rewarded with more force than spamming would provide.
- A successful wall jump will reset the hand-spam counter (which limits the overall force applied the more you spam), allowing you to readjust your momentum.
Peak Updates
- Sundered sons have been modified.
- Latter parts of Solemn Tempest have been modified.
- Added a boundary to Cromlech's summit.
- Fixed a bug with the monocular being 'permanently' disabled if you quit out while using it.
- Fixed a bug with Free Solo Summits not being reset in You Fall You Die and Free Solo modes.
- Fixed a bug with a hold tripling the "holds made" during time attack.
- Fixed a few floating rocks on Cromlech.
Changed files in this update