Hi all,
This is a small update to address a handful of bugs introduced in the latest release. Thanks so much to everyone for reporting these!
- Fixed a crash that would occur with the Gachaball (the Cannonball evolution). This would happen when the Gachaball was breaking open its rewards and it left the player's screen. Our apologies to everyone that experienced this crash!
- Fixed the level displayed on a few Mage weapon mods. Also changed the names of a few of the mods that had too long of names. Unfortunately, if you had these mods unlocked, you may have to unlock them again by ranking up the weapon further.
- Fixed a potential crash that could happen when you died with an active Geyser projectile on the field.
- If you leveled up and picked up a treasure chest on the exact same game tick, both screens would open at once. This has been fixed.
- Set the music speed back to normal when starting the final 2 minute finale. The Juice power-up speeds up the player, and also speeds up the music. However, the final two minutes of the game have a very precisely timed finale, and has to stay at the same music speed. The Juice would sometimes mess with this timing.
Thanks for playing,
Changed files in this update