Version 0.501 is now live on Steam. Here's the changelist:
- Revised Options menu layout (scrolling list, shortcuts to sections, descriptions of everything)
- Changed mission map display to show thumbnail images
- Changed local/built-in vehicles to show/use thumbnail images
- Improved functionality/usability of capturing thumbnail images for vehicles/etc
- Added thumbnails to missions and mission vehicles
- Significantly improved smoke rendering speed by rendering it at a lower resolution
- Added environment smoke to 2 dust-storm missions
- Added smoke rendering options for quality and environment smoke
- Smoothed out camera zooming and fixed some other camera issues
- Added voice volume ducking and other sound options
- Fixed a variety of bugs/issues
0.501 doesn't have a huge changelist, but some of the changes were significant, and the smoke rendering optimization was a big challenge that both Alan and I took multiple stabs at to finally get it all working the right way. The options UI and map UI changes may be more apparent, but those were relatively quick tasks in comparison.
The map UI in particular I'm not 100% satisfied with, so version 1.0 will look a bit different than what you see in 0.501. How it'll be different I'm not exactly sure, aside from it being more animated/rewarding when you return from a mission.
There will almost certainly be a version 0.501a (and maybe 0.501b), but otherwise this is the last update before version 1.0. I still don't have a solid date on 1.0, but late April is still seeming like a reasonable time.
There will be additional news posts here despite the lack of new builds after this week, with the next one very likely to be about the Release Date Trailer.
The Release Date Trailer will be the start of the promotional push leading up to version 1.0. The goal is quite simple: Have the biggest 1.0 launch day possible. The best way to do that is to have the best game possible, and to build excitement so that everyone wants to play it on launch day.
I think we have a good plan/design to make the game the best it can be, and there is a plan for a good amount of promotional stuff as well. I've never enjoyed promotional work that much, but it can be rewarding to talk to journalists/streamers/etc directly, so I try to focus on that aspect. I'm also getting help from a few people, so I don't have to do everything myself.
There's a lot of work to do, but I'm looking forward to getting it all done. Thanks for all the support along the way!
Changed files in this update