- Art: Update final boss projectile art/animations and add shadow.
- Gameplay: New AZ-TECH Altar upgrade. Soul feast level 2 improves life rewarded for kills from bio.
- Gameplay: New AZ-TECH Altar upgrade. Flare invincible upgrade - ignore damage 1s after flares.
- Gameplay: New AZ-TECH Altar Upgrade: Xiuhtecuhtli missile. Fire and guide with huge explosion (WIP).
- Gameplay: New AZ-TECH Altar Upgrade: Obsidian Strike. Stuns mechanical enemies on screen (WIP).
- Gameplay: Prototype ability for Xiuhtecuhtli missile. Cost is set to 0 blood orbs for testing.
- Gameplay: Prototype ability for Obsidian strike. Cost is set to 0 blood orbs for testing.
- Story: Add conversation in megacave when final mission is unlocked.
Megacopter: Blades of the Goddess Playtest update for 12 February 2024
Update Notes for 2024/02/11
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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