Last weeks' big extraction rules updates touched every single level in the game. Today we got some F10s about issues about specific order of things (characters dying after everyone else extracts but there still is a prisoner...) that can cause issues with the extraction system.
Also, there were occurrences with the smoothed out camera controls where the camera was not resuming its overhead perspective after hacking or certain melee attacks. Just so smooth ... lol. Anyway, these are also now fixed in this hotfix.
A huge thanks to players posting F10s so we can fix the bugs and also to everyone leaving a review!
v1.3.21 - 2/11/2024
- Fixed issue where prisoners on levels could prevent team extraction (Carnivore, Sibling Breakout)
- Fixed bug with movement destination not always following where you clicked
- Fixed issue with camera not resuming correctly after some melee attacks
- Fixed issue with camera not resuming correctly after hacking
Changed files in this update