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Middle East Empire 2027 update for 11 February 2024

Custom Scenario: The option to place countries under the control

Share · View all patches · Build 13427597 · Last edited 11 February 2024 – 16:39:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear players,
We are excited to announce a new update that added into the custom scenario: the option to place countries under the control of a target country.

What does this mean?
You can select a target country and designate up to 10 countries to be under the conquest of that nation. This will lead to updates in world relations, as well as changes in the status of countries such as civilian populations, land ownership, and more.

Can you create alliances?
Yes you can create up to 5 alliances and name them.

Can you update the countries relations?
Yes you can update up to 10 relations.

Can you save and load the scenario?
Yes you can name and save & load the scenario after creating it.

In addition to this feature, we have made several other improvements:

  • Enhanced game UI, speed, and stability.
  • Updated armies, relations, and economies of many countries based on real-world data.
  • Fixed reported issues and continue to improve Artificial Intelligence.

We plan to add countless new diplomacy & spies & war options, technologies, resources...
Your support is important to us to continue developing.
Thank you,
iGindis Team

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