● M3 Half Track to United Kingdom.
● Missing winter camo for all wheels of wheeled vehicles.
● New winter camo for Puma armoured car.
● M5A1 Stuart armour modelling and colliders.
● M36 Jackson armour modelling and colliders.
● M8 Greyhound winter camo and armour modelling and colliders.
● M26 Pershing armour modelling and colliders.
● M24 Chaffee armour modelling and colliders.
● Being crushed by a vehicle (as infantry) would show a white square as weapon used in the Death UI.
● If more than one game was hosted, every time one game refreshed its data in the lobby (ping...) all games would disappear from the list, and only one would stay (the one that updated some data last).
● If you were healing a player, and during the healing process the player died, the UI would still display the healing UI even though you were actually reviving the player.
● If you joined a game mid-game, as a medic, you would not see the 'downed player' icon of downed player (revivable). If you were to revive them somehow, the revived player would not display its nickname but a generic 'infantry' name.
Changed files in this update