- Made custom content available to everyone to use and make things. BUT you must have the ko-fi code to actually load and play with it
- successfully set up steam cloud and file storage between devices C: - sadly doesn't work for game master files due to complexity.
- went through and made new loading screens because reasons
- removed a lot of files and bloat from the system
- edited the main menu. extras no longer a thing. - quick start guide and aoa lore moved into rule book. extra content/homebrew now on main menu.
- goblins, mechanics, warlocks, magicians, antiques, and tormentors added to shop.
- instead of adding in a system to track catalysts. i've just removed them completely from the game. 🤔 even with everything i've tried to do with them. there really isn't a reason for them to be there. i mean if you want one its really only worth its weight in RP so 🤷
- Added languages to character components in rule book (the rules of languages are still in the how to play section) - and added some new languages to spice some things up a bit. as well as give some more information about the languages instead of just its name.
- All histories and their information has been added to the rule book. just incase you wanted to know the information of your history besides character creation
[Engine Changes]
- Added transition when going back through weapons so its more clear you did so
- added a mastery toggle disable in character creator becuase uuyrio can eat my nuts
- added more information and flair to the image uploading section of character information
- Changed up how the custom class creator works
- Custom accessories should now load and work correctly C:
- Setup special lich health bar and lich max health for when dealing with its negative hit points.
- Custom spells are finished and working C:
- custom classes finished added loaded and tested
- made the tree's in the abilitiesa nd features actually show their names instead of just "Tree 1 features"
- oh yeah. made skills show what they're for on hover in the PA
- made it so when you create a new subspecies it selects that subspecies on creation.
- shifted everything in AoA lore for easier navigating/go with the theme of the game
- added a 1 second delay to rolling results. - while delay is happening. information will display "Rolling..." - this is so it shows the system is doing something. - i rolled multiple dice and sometimes the result didn't change. which could cause confusion. this aims to fix it. it means you can't spam dice anymore but also wont get confused if you actually rolled or not.
- streamlined options and removed options that aren't needed anymore.
[Game Changes]
- None...least anything yall would notice considering you didn't have access to the book version of the gaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
- fixed very obscure unarmed weapon bug in character creator
- fixed all catalysts in character creator not turning weaponlists back on
- its fix weird bugs day i guess. fixed a double back loop in weapons choices in character creator
- fixed pouch, backpack, and roadster name/item being replaced with just the realm
- fixed shop accessories not matching with the new data file thus not showing any information
- "fixed" the weapon back loop problem
- fixed some other shit. idk fam
- fixed Cast Spell button in spellcasting not being animated
- fixed an issue with void weapons adding to species instead
- fixed huge data corrupting bug that happened if loading failed. file wont save now if loading not completed.
- fixed chaosweaver tree's not showing information on hover
- Added safty net for turning off other game objects when switching page sin combat
- fixed sostrum races explinations going off the screen
- moved all data containers. thus loading them automatically instead of having to wait for the main menu, and fixing the skills listed in the quick start guide :V
- fixed a fix that made it so mastery toggles couldn't be retoggled or off toggled in skill mastery selection in character creator
- fixed catalyst selection bug in char creator when selecting it as 3rd weapon (no weapon property so it didn't advance progress)
- fixed rogue mercenary info not showing up in char creator
- fixed skills in both char creator and tutorial not starting at 0 if it wasn't negative.
- fixed item shop not showing gold amount on start in char creator
- fixed a metric fuckton of bugs and errors while playtesting on sunday. i dont remember what they were lol.
- fixing making notes in player side corrupted save file.
- fixed dice for skills adding all rolls of d100 together.
- fixed game master locaiton notes adding to NPC notes instead by accident.
- fixed all inventory number slots auto replacing with 1 🤨
- attack and protection check for player tokens in game master side now turn off those buttons
- fixed multiclassing because j loops require j's not i's.
- fixed custom species load and save. (there was a i in places of a 1 lol)
- fixed action points being clicked doing nothing (supposed to go away when clicked so you can manually manage them if wanted)
- fixed companion health bar bug o.O
- checked all dice stacks and math accompanied and fixed a lot of formulas.
Changed files in this update