* New community translation added - French
- New community translation and necessary fonts added - Ukrainian
- Added button icons and better support for Xbox controllers and Steamdeck* Modified and improved default gamepad control layout
- Fixed broken camera rotation with right stick on gamepad
- Keyboard and gamepad navigation was broken in the control panel in some situations
- Look around while sneaking does not work when using keyboard control
- Tweaked look-around control when sneaking
- Drop-down lists have been stretched slightly
- Fixed bugs related to drop-down lists, now they also finally open on the selected item
- Fixed exception logging
- Fixed a bug where the text showing the inventory weight did not change when changing the language
- Fixed a bug where letters that are already decrypted are missing from the bottom table after reopening an encrypted letter
- Button icon moved to center when skipping cutscene
- Chapter 1 - the first servants were slowed down slightly to make them easier to defeat
Changed files in this update