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Abyss School update for 11 February 2024

02/11 (Sun) - Added mini-games and features, fixed bugs

Share · View all patches · Build 13426200 · Last edited 11 February 2024 – 08:46:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

○Adding content
-Added mini-games, shadow puzzles
-Added the system to dameged Seyoung's outfit (damaged 1 piece every 2 hits)
-Added costume option = stockings on/off (unlocked after completing 5 levels of shadow puzzles)

○Convenience improvements
-Added crank doors for short cuts (6th and 9th floors)
-Added a window for viewing in the room where you collect items to avoid Abyss Follower on the 9th floor
-Added UI for canceling the gear slot interaction on the 10th floor
-Added (end conversation) after the last option in the conversation with Seyoung
-Added item placement puzzle description (click to place items)
-Added save point in the middle of Seyoung's part
-Added camera rotation to work when using stairs

○Quality improvements
-Removed the flowerpot fragments floating in the air
-Fixed awkward eye closing motion in the opening
-Changed Seyoung's eye color to match the original artwork
-Fixed the camera crashing when being hit Seyoung by Abyss Zombie.
-Changed Yoohee's profile to unlock after viewing the game's ending
-Fixed an issue where entering the Extra→Profile would result in a squashed image
-Changed the door near the beginning of the 5th floor to a staircase
-Fixed Japanese mistranslation error

○Bug fixes
-Fixed an issue with Abyss Follower peeking from the distance
-Fixed an issue where statues that require colored glasses to display numbers would display numbers without glasses.
-Fixed an issue with the Abyss Follower chase scene where if you go behind the door before the chase scene and get caught, your save point will be started behind chase scene

※ Additional modifications after beta

  • Seyoung part performance optimization
  • Added “Stocking Locker” achievement
  • Fixed an issue where the scale sometimes did not appear in the shadow puzzle.
  • Ease the difficulty of statue angle judgment in shadow puzzles
  • Fixed an issue where stocking on/off was not applied in some cutscenes.
  • Fixed an issue where stockings On/Off was not applied to Seyoung
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