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Mortal Sin update for 10 February 2024

Combo Icons / Berserker and Duelist Buffs / Bug Fixes

Share · View all patches · Build 13424505 · Last edited 10 February 2024 – 22:06:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Doing a quick update turnaround this week! Wanted to try a new combo icon representation which is hopefully cleaner and faster to process in the heat of combat compared to the text. Next I plan to do the level rework update as I mentioned last time, but figured there was no reason to hold back these changes in the meantime. See the full patch notes below:

Combo Icons allow you to more quickly identify combos at a glance by their color, allowing you to focus more on the action. If it doesn’t work for you, feel free to click and toggle back to text, but I’d recommend giving it a good chance first as I can guarantee it will lead to smoother gameplay!


  • Added new combo icons option as replacement for text. You can still toggle to text by clicking on the combo popup UI
  • Made the starting area in all portal rooms more of a proper jump / airdash tutorial which can be safely practiced without risk of falling


  • Made the duelist’s blade dance ability do a fast whirlwind instead of slow whirlwind to make it more appealing to use
  • Buffed Berserker’s starting health and speed significantly in order to compensate for his weak early game
  • While combo shuffle is active, a full moon combo will be skipped if you are not actively in combat, so that you don’t have to initiate a fight with such a long combo
  • Exiting an area with unsold armor and weapons will now instantly sell those items and give you their essence value.


  • When crouching in tight areas, the game now checks to make sure your head won’t clip through the ceiling when you stand up
  • The invincibility radial meter now accurately represents the time left for the part that is visible on screen
  • Pressing the progress screen (T) will now show the current round you are in addition to the difficulty
  • The ability icon is now color coded for each palette to better match the new combo icon color
  • You can now move the combo popup with the mouse or dpad / analogue stick, rather than the clunky button mapping that were there before
  • Navigating the combo list with controller / keyboard will now automatically select the last selected combo rather than always scrolling to the top of the list

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the platform height not lining up with tiles in one of the portal rooms
  • Removed an invisible wall in one of the portal rooms
  • Fixed bug where some quest rewards carried over between runs were permanent
  • Fixed bug where starting the game with any health modifier skill such as vitality made you start at less than full health
  • Removed a rock in the cave entrance tunnel that was possible get stuck and soft locked in
  • Fixed bug where grain setting would reset to zero regardless of what value was saved
  • Fixed bug where exiting a portal room normally could cause your weapon to be destroyed

I wanted to make a note that I am trying out a switch from the IL2CPP scripting backend to Mono for this update. Mono is a lot more common for most unity games, and allows for easier modding potential. I did not notice any major performance difference in my testing, but if this affects you a lot, please let me know as this is not final and I want to get more data on it. I’m also hoping it might possibly help the users who get abnormally long load times on their setups.

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