Puppet Master Vs Demonic Toys Event Ended
Disabled 50% discount off perks.
Demonic Toys
Zombietoid Character Skin: Green Meanie
BattleRifle Weapon Skin: Green Meanie
Machete Weapon Skin: Green Meanie
Zombietoid Emote: Salute
Grizzly Teddy Toy Bat Weapon Skin: Plastic Bat
Reworked Leech-Woman’s attacks with more generous hitboxes.
Reworked Jester’s attacks with more generous hitboxes.
New Perks
Animalistic: Increases Totem Ravager's multiplier for Charge Jump movement speed.
Demonic Lifeforce: Totem Sutekh regenerates health every second after not taking damage for 15 seconds.
Overburn: Increases Mephisto's Crystal Ball fire burn time by 0.5 seconds.
Added loading screen when the game is booting up.
Bug Fixes
Fixed bug that caused some players not to receive XP at the end of a match.
Fixed an issue that caused Baby Oopsie’s gun to not disappear after shooting it."
Changed files in this update