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Contain update for 10 February 2024

We wanted to share why the next patch was delayed and what is on the way?

Share · View all patches · Build 13423128 · Last edited 10 February 2024 – 15:13:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.
  • Firstly, we moved our project from UE 5.1 to 5.3. This change brought some good things like generally some better performances and a solution for the Radeon GPU glitch (yay!), but also broke some working things too :(. So, we had to fix many more things normally we had to while fixing, changing and adding new things to the game, this is one of the reasons why the patch is delayed mostly.

But meantime we wanted to share the rough list of what you will get with the next patch.

Anyway, here we go;

  • Changed Compass system, while you can see your objective locations with yellow POI icons, now also you can see the objectives behind the walls, etc. without using scanning (without scanning can be changed). Environment anomalies are still can be seen if the scan used, but they won't look red behind the walls, etc. But at least they won't be confusing anymore.

  • Revamps on our current mission levels.

  • For the Safe Hold mission we added a countdown timer on top of the screen (Later, we will relocate this timer to the datapad). This made it easy to track when the Cube would complete and the mission failed.

  • Changed the key remapping system. Now you can easily change your keybindings as you like.

  • The end game screen has changed. Removed unnecessary information until their respective mechanics were added.

  • After Loading some players were having a black screen issue, which has been solved.

  • AMD (Radeon) GPU users were having an artifact glitch (green screen) on DX 12, which has been solved.

  • In The Base of Operations we added another Gunsmith interaction zone (a table) for Gun Customisation in the Locker Room.

  • Made some changes to AI behaviors. For example, when a player is in a bush Soldiers won't see them, and if not close enough to a player they can pass and go without a notice. (Not every single bush of course)

  • We started on rework for the Audio, and made changes for better attenuations and occlusions. (Not final, we will continue to work on this matter too)

  • We made some collision changes to the environment models so bullets won't blocked right next to a wall or a model. (Still can be here and there, please report)

  • And some Environment VFXs are removed (Community feedback).

  • We also made VFX changes on the grenade and the anomaly enemies too. Removed the glitch effect on the Distrupter enemy, increased its core size for easy to shoot, and also changed its color from White to Red. (Generally if some red things are coming to you, kill it :) )

The list may have slight changes.

As always, thanks for your constructive feedback, bug reports, and the suggestions.

We are cooking many things, and many more to come. If you want to know what we are up to please consider joining our Discord for more information.


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