Some more fixes and balance changes:
- Moving stone walls in cliffside now play sound when moving
- Fallen City magic gate build up now shows on clients
- Fixed a collision issue with Mercie
- Fixed a fireball collision issue
- IVO's submachine gun now plays sounds correctly on clients
- Fixed a mesh issue on the bamboo trees
- Significantly lowered base fireball damage (10 -> 2.5)
- Significantly reduced fireball damage of time (7s -> 1.5s)
- Reduced fireball collision size
- Ice magic is now spikier looking
- Plant magic is now more planty looking
- Plant magic projectiles now work correctly for clients
- Projectiles from stone magic now always explode on hit (And deal AoE damage)
- Fixed an issue where characters may visually revert to default customization in online games
- Fixed an issue where the icon over player heads would disappear under certain conditions
- Updated skeletons in Gilded City with new props
- Added a few magic books scattered throughout the levels
- Fixed wood magic so it doesn't shatter easily in certain conditions
- Added another lift to the frozen fort side area
- Unarmored and mage skeletons are now immune to fire damage
- All skeleton fall damage significantly reduced (~7x more resistant to fall damage)
- Parrying arrows will now deflect the arrow back
- Parrying an attack will now show a quick parry animation
- Changed character editor options so that some buttons gray out if they don't do anything
- Made small level changes
- Added some NPCs and books to certain levels
Changed files in this update