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SMYS : Show Me Your Stairs update for 10 February 2024

Thermal Shock - Major Update

Share · View all patches · Build 13420627 · Last edited 10 February 2024 – 11:09:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This major update includes not one but two new building phases alongside a lot of improvements for the game. Everything that is included in this update was supposed to be published as 3 separate updates but we decided to change our plans and publish 1 huge update instead.

Lava Chambers

This new building phase has a unique feature, it's played in the gloomy and dark caves of the lava biome. All the colors are inverted and the only lighting is coming from the background which leads to some shadow like play.

Frozen Canyon

At the complete opposite of Lava Chambers, this building phase takes place in the middle of blizzardy canyons in which you'll eventually have to watch your steps to not fall into the abyss.

Roadmap Changes & Early Access End

I've shared infos about it on Twitter earlier this year, but Online Multiplayer has been removed from the roadmap for now. To keep things short, I am using Unity as the engine to make the game and it's been quite a wild ride lately, which unfortunately impacted the studio. At the end of the day I can't be developing the game without funding, and as most of it is currently coming from Unity related sources the situation is looking pretty dire.

It is also, funny enough, one of the reasons this update is so content rich, all I can do is work extra hard and hope things get better with the release of the game in the upcoming weeks. Maybe if some kind of miracle happens I'll be able to get funding to continue developing the game past release but I would rather not count on it so we'll see how it goes.

There are 2 nodes left on the roadmap, the last picking phase 'Bumpy Cranes', and the last major update which will actually happen at the same time as the game releases and will include the addition of special events to building phases.

Bug fixing has been great thanks to the players' feedback and reports. It's quite stable right now and reports of new bugs are rare, which allows us to focus on polishing the game for the release.

Thanks to all of you who've played or shared the game around, it trully helps.





  • Frozen Canyon Building Phase
  • Lava Chambers Building Phase
  • 2 new soundtracks (1 for each of the new building phases)
  • New AI playing speed setting 'Adaptative' which updates the AI playing speed according to the player win rate each round


  • Main menu buttons animation
  • New SFX for checking and unchecking toggles in the game configurator
  • Wind trails in the Trampolines picking phase
  • Playstation buttons sprites for QTEs if the player is using a Playstation controller
  • New sprite for Thorn Fields' axe supplier
  • Pause menu animations
  • New zglub head icon for picking phase result panels
  • Add/Remove AI with controller in the lobby
  • Settings menu controller navigation support


  • Fixed joining prompts still being displayed when the lobby is full
  • Fixed lobby block getting huge if a player pick it up while both the block and the player are spawning
  • Fixed lobby block being destroyed and not appearing in the lobby anymore after entering the lobby then leaving immediately then entering the lobby again
  • Fixed not being able to pick up the lobby block if a player threw it at the exact same time as despawning
  • Fixed hypnotized AI eyes not being white
  • Fixed building phase tutorial GIF displaying tools instead of yumyums
  • Fixed Trampolines picking phase geyser smoke glitching when collecting all items really quickly
  • Loading history…
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