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Seed of the World update for 10 February 2024

Patch A1.1.1: 'Miss' Balancing

Share · View all patches · Build 13420501 · Last edited 10 February 2024 – 01:46:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

After playtesting and receiving numerous feedback, we've come to understand the detrimental impact of excessive 'miss' occurrences during attacks. Consequently, we've made significant adjustments to the accuracy of attacks for both players and monsters.

Player Attacks:

All player attacks now have a base accuracy of 100%. Furthermore, this accuracy increases when advancing to higher-tier classes.

Enemy Attacks:

Enemy attacks have been recalibrated for improved accuracy. At level 1, monsters now possess a hit-rate of 75%, which scales up with their level.

Affected Accuracy:

Despite these changes, players may still experience reduced accuracy due to certain states or when equipping specific weapons or armors.

Increased Evasion:

Additionally, enemy evasion rates have been enhanced based on their stats.


Typically, we update patches on Wednesdays. However, due to a busy schedule this month, our update schedule may vary. Rest assured, normal patching frequency will resume next month. In the meantime, we've implemented this balancing patch. We encourage you to share your feedback on the Steam community forum, as we value and consider input from all players.

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